Open Call for Artists!

June 18 - July 16, 2024

Application fee: $25 | 3 Images

Welcome to the “Metropolitan Melodies” Competition!
The competition celebrates the vibrancy and rhythm of city life through various forms of art.

We invite all artists at any stage of their careers to participate and showcase their unique perspectives on urban landscapes, street scenes, and bustling cityscapes.

Awards include a chance to display artwork on the digital monitor of AGI Fine Art's "New York I Love You" October exhibition with Social Media Exposure.

The theme of the competition is to interpret the rhythm, energy, and unique characteristics of city life through creativity and different materials. Each type of city landscape offers its own unique atmosphere, architectural elements, and cultural significance, contributing to the diverse tapestry of urban environments around the world.

Need Ideas or Examples of Cityscapes?

Awards and Benefits of Participating

Five Selected Artists
will have their artworks digitally displayed at the "New York, I Love You" exhibition at Agora Gallery in October.

Three Selected Artists

will earn social media exposure for a week on our social media channels.

Three Selected Artists
will earn an honorable mention to be featured in our social media stories.


Competition Dates


June 18, 2024


July 16, 2024


July 30, 2024


October 9 - 15, 2024

Application fee: $25 | 3 Images

Competition Guidelines


All artists aged 18 and above are encouraged to enter, whether you are a seasoned professional or an emerging talent.


Application in the “Metropolitan Melodies” competition requires a $25 fee, which covers the submission of up to 3 images.

Submission Material

Required: Each artist must submit up to three (3) artworks on any topic that aligns with the theme of urban and city life. All submissions must be in high quality digital format (JPEG or PNG).

Additional Entry

If you want to add more images, you need to open another entry. The maximum number of images is 3 images for one entry.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many artworks can be submitted per entry?

Each entry allows an artist to submit up to three (3) artworks. If you wish to submit more than three images, you must open another entry and pay an additional entry fee. Remember, each entry is limited to a maximum of three images.

Can I submit AI-generated artworks?

No, all submissions must be original and created by the submitting artist. AI-generated artworks will be disqualified.

Is there an age limit to participate in the competition?

Yes, all applicants must be 18 years or older to participate.

Are there any restrictions on the subject matter of the submissions?

No, there are no restrictions on the subject matter. Artists are encouraged to explore diverse urban themes that align with the competition's theme of "Metropolitan Melodies." However, all submitted artworks must be available for sale.

What are the categories for submission in this competition?

There are nine categories for submission: City Skylines, Street Scenes, Urban Landscapes, Cityscapes, Residential Neighborhoods, Historic Districts, Marketplace, Industrial Areas, and Transit Hubs. Artists can choose to submit their work in any of these categories as long as it aligns with the theme of "Metropolitan Melodies."

If selected, can I get all the awards or just one?

You are only entitled to one award in the competition if selected. For example, if you are selected for the monitor display, you will not receive the social media exposure or honorable mentions.

If you have any questions, email [email protected].

Being part of the Photo Competition show at the Agora Gallery was a great experience. The team was very helpful and supportive. It was an honor to be included with all the other artists and the show itself was top-notch! I will definitely enter again! Thank you to Agora and NY Art Competitions!

Morgan Anderson​, United States, 2021/2022 Selected Artist

I would HIGHLY recommend that anyone thinking about entering the competition do so. It was an absolutely amazing experience and I could not believe how packed the opening reception was, at points it was getting hard to move! It was great fun, great exposure, great space and hopefully won’t be the last time!

Bill Stephens (Billamack), United States, 2021/2022 Selected Artist

Being invited and involved with the Chelsea International Photography competition was a wonderful and seamless experience. Everyone was beyond helpful, cordial, and well-organized about getting the work there. The collection of images was fabulousI was honored to have made the cut. Opening night was a wonderful eventso many interested viewers, and fellow artists. Many thanks for the opportunity to show my work in Chelsea!

Jo Ann Chaus​, United States, 2021/2022 Selected Artist

My experience with Agora gallery and the CIPC has been solid from start to finish. Forthright, proactive, professional, helpful, communication throughout. The exhibition itself was well put together and looked great at every level. Thanks for everything!

Bradly Dever Treadaway​, United States, 2021/2022 Selected Artist

Meet our Partners - The Agora Group

The Chelsea International Photography Competition is grateful to its partners and sponsors for their support and collaboration.

They include AGI Fine Art, which provides exhibition opportunities and career guidance, ARTmine, an online fine art gallery, Agora Gallery, a contemporary art space in Chelsea, and White Space Chelsea, a modern street-level event venue in the heart of Chelsea, and more.



Deadline of entries: July 16, 2024